Há exatamente um ano atrás eu fiz um trabalho artístico para a Designação Honorária de Aviador Naval para o senhor Hank Caruso, na festa anual Hook 2006.Este desenho foi uma grande oportunidade para mim. Ele abriu muitas portas na Marinha Americana. Eu desenhei pessoas de grande importância tais como Vice-Almirante Massenburg, Vice-Almirante Zortman, Capt Chris Field e o próprio Mr. Hank e outros tão importantes quanto eles. Aqui estão algumas fotos destes eventos.
At exactly a year ago I did an artwork to Mr. Hank’s Honorary Designation Naval Aviator in Hook 2006.This drawing was a great opportunity for me. It opened many doors to me in the US Navy. I have drawn important persons such as Vadm Massenburg, Vadm Zortman, Capt Chris Field and Mr. Hank Caruso and others as important as them.
Here are some pictures about these events.
Este blog é de um grande amigo/irmão e com certeza esse cara será um dos maiores, e reconhecidos ilustradores deste país ! anotem o que estou escrevendo !! o futuro só Deus sabe, mas sem dúvidas conseguimos enxergar os selecionados !
The entire event at Tailhook was a huge honor and a total surprise: I didn't even know that my wife and son had flown there for the occasion until after the presentations were over.
Your wonderful art is framed together with my Honorary Naval Aviator document and hangs prominently in my living room. You did a remarkable job of keeping the right look and spirit to all of the elements in the picture. I truly appreciate your contribution to a very exciting event for me!
I attended VADM Massenburg's retirement and was able to examine another of your creations up close. Again, great work! All of your very accurate portraits have a relaxed and pleasantly spirited look to them. Your style is certainly recognizable. I'll keep my eye open for more of your work, since I am sure it will be showing up in many more places.
Again, thank you so much for making a special event even more special!
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