Este é meu novo desenho sobre Aviação Naval Americana e Segurança de vôo. Neste desenho tento mostrar as asas da América abençoando e protegendo a frota americana. Também aponto o futuro sobre as asas do caça F-35, e nas mãos de homens e mulheres que estão fazendo uma nova Marinha todo dia. Trabalho feito para o governo americano, para a marinha daquele país.
This is my new drawing about Naval Aviation and Safety. In this drawing I show the wings of the America blessing and protecting the fleet. I also show the future on the wings of the F-35 fighter, and in the hands of men and women who are making a new Navy everyday.
Ricardo, thanks so much for sending in several excellent drawings to
our staff. As the editor of Approach magazine, I am always looking for
artwork that will capture the readers imagination as they read our
"There I was" stories in our aviation safety magazine. With an upcoming
issue focusing on complacency in aviation, you developed a drawing of a
"vulture" that we plan to use in that issue. The vulture fits the theme.
You'll see the link between the vulture and complacency when you read
the issue. The time and effort you devoted to this project will enhance
the effectiveness of our safety message. Also, you provided several
original drawings for our upcoming motorcycle safety special-issue magazine
that our editors are working on. We think these drawings will be a
nice addition to the issue. Thanks for getting onboard with our safety
mission and lending us your talents. We appreciate your support. Jack
Stewart, editor, Approach magazine"
I think it is awesome! You are very talented...but I already knew that! Thanks again for all of the great work you did for us.
Gary S. Mizhir
What a great drawing! Thanks for sharing with me. You do awesome work.
Have you done anything with helicopters?
LCDR Teague "Metro" Laguens
Awesome job! I'll be sending something your way I think the team might
be interested in you drawing a photo of our entire team.
Thanks, if you would like a litho with your name and for someone else
send me a list and your address.
LT Anthony Robinson
Supply/Legal Officer
U.S. Navy Flight Demonstration Squadron
Blue Angels
Parabénsss meu velhooo !
Wow! What a fantastic image! Really!
Recently I was one of the judges at a military graphics competition that had entries from graphic specialists in all three armed services. Some of the entries were very slick, but I don't think that any I saw had the spirit and excitement that yours brings out. It is a truly inspired piece of work!
I have only one real criticism: YOU DID NOT INCLUDE A COPYRIGHT NOTICE! Of course, many images are freely stolen on the Internet, but you should make sure that "(c) Ricardo Nunes 2008" is clearly displayed. At least then someone must make a conscious decision to steal a copyrighted work.
If you don't mind, I'd like to forward this image to Naval Aviation News and Wings of Gold. I don't know that they feature art much anymore on their covers, but perhaps . . . Also, I have a friend that produces T-shirts that I'd like to show this to. But only with your permission and with a copyright notice.
I really like the pose and rendering for the eagle's head. The deep shadow on the left really adds drama. Also, the way you've blended feathers and flag ripples on the wing is beautifully done.
[ A few small things that you might consider. First, the waves in the water don't have nearly the life and energy that the eagle does. It doesn't seem as if you had nearly as much fun with the water. Around the edge of the ship on the viewer's left, none of the waves go behind the ship. Instead, there is almost a blue halo around the ship's outline that works against it's realism. Also, I believe that more of the bow wave and wake would be visible on the viewer's left.
Finally, I would have liked to see all of each plane, rather than having the wings cut off on the right of the image. They could have been moved to the left a bit without hurling the overall impact of the image. In fact, the right wing of the front aircraft actually gets lost in the white stripe of the flag. Having at least part of the wing highlighted by a red stripe would be a good thing. ]
Thanks so much for sharing your art with me. It has originality, spirit, and quality. Keep it up!
[ PS. What medium is this image done with? ]
Hi Ricardo,
This is awesome. Thank you for sharing.
v/r, Tanesha
YNC(SW/AW) Tanesha Y. Spence
Flag Writer to RDML Daniel P. Holloway
Carrier Strike Group TWELVE
Unit 60009
Fantásticos os seus desenhos! Muito sucesso na carreira!
Moises Alvim
Ricardo esse ficou maneiro! Como sempre não é...
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